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Effective Treatment of Mill Effluent with the Phantom AOP System

January 26, 2024

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The Phantom AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) system is a specialized treatment solution designed for efficiently managing and treating effluent, particularly in paper mill systems. The system employs advanced oxidation processes to treat wastewater by generating powerful oxidizing agents, specifically hydroxyl radicals (OH). System benefits:

  • Remove Odor including H2S
  • Lowers presence of bacteria, anaerobes, algae, viruses and parasites
  • Control bacteria and scale buildup in piping system
  • Harmless to “beneficial” bugs
  • Completely “Green”
  • Non-toxic biocide that breaks down in to water & oxygen – no TTHM contribution
  • Self-Contained Unit
  • Easily Scalable

Advanced Oxidation for Effective Treatment

The core of the Phantom AOP system is its ability to generate hydroxyl radicals through advanced oxidation processes. These radicals are highly reactive and effectively break down complex organic compounds commonly found in paper mill effluent. This results in a more thorough and efficient treatment process, reducing the environmental impact of effluent discharge.

Environmental and Operational Benefits

A significant benefit of the Phantom AOP system is its environmental safety. By reducing harmful contaminants in paper mill effluent, it minimizes the ecological footprint of paper production. The system also prevents the formation of toxic byproducts like total trihalomethanes (TTHMs), making it a safer choice for both the environment and the industry.

Additionally, the Phantom AOP system addresses common problems in paper mills such as scale buildup and odor issues. This not only improves the operational efficiency but also enhances workplace safety and compliance with environmental regulations.

Continuous Treatment Process

The system is designed to continuously recharge the water with negatively charged oxygen ions, maintaining the solubility of calcium and other minerals. This continuous process ensures effective and ongoing treatment of the effluent.

Scalability and Integration

Designed to be both scalable and adaptable, the Phantom AOP system can be integrated seamlessly into existing paper mill treatment processes. This adaptability makes it an ideal solution for paper mills of varying sizes and capacities, ensuring that they can meet their specific effluent treatment needs effectively.

Completely Green

The Phantom AOP system provides a robust solution for the treatment of paper mill effluent, offering both environmental benefits and operational efficiency. Its advanced oxidation technology ensures the effective breakdown of contaminants, making it a vital tool in the sustainable operation of paper mills. With the increasing focus on environmental sustainability, the Phantom AOP system emerges as a key technology in the paper industry’s efforts to minimize its ecological impact. Let us help you with your investigation.

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