Real-time Freeness Values, No Time-Outs
More precise control over the refining process, results in less waste, higher yield and reduced production costs. Easier said than done.
The Satron Lumina VCF provides real-time data on the pulp’s degree of refining to support…
- Horsepower-days per Ton control
- Refining Target Freeness Setpoint control
Whether you are doing an energy balancing act or adjusting plate gap to maintain the target freeness, real-time data supplied in a reliable manner is mission critical. What does real-time get you?
- Adjustments to hit the sweet spot – minimizing energy use while ensuring the pulp is of the right quality
- Data needed to fine tune process leading to less waste from off-spec production
- Abnormal situation detection enabling proactive maintenance.
- Instantaneous comparison of current freeness levels with target levels
- Energy optimization avoiding excess usage from over-refining and avoiding inferior quality from under-refining
Footprint of an Inline Probe, Because it’s a Probe!
What you’ll need for a real-time freeness transmitter
- Insertion point
- Installation of probe into the flow of the pulp
- A location for the RDU/enclosure and supply power
- Sampling and Calibration
- Connectivity to control system
- Examine it during an outage
Skip the Robot Infrastructure, Get the Freeness Values
What you’ll need for a robot analyzer
- Insertion points
- Vibration-free, temperature controlled environment, that is dust-free and well ventilated
- Connectivity to control systems
- Water supply, and drainage required for sample dilution & cleaning, and wastewater drainage
- Access for personnel and equipment because robots require frequent maintenance for optimal functioning
- Human resources, either your own people or an annual support contract to bring in the robot’s minders.
- Sampling and Calibration
- Safety infrastructure like power cut-off, electrical hazard protection, compliance with regulations and standards
Continuous With Little to No Maintenance
Most important element is you. Good sampling, following standard procedures at the beginning, means great calibration
- Latest LED-based techniques using multi-frequency light transmits strobes of light into the pulp and measuring the back-scatter characteristics
- Flexible configuration with a standard measuring probe or remote measuring probe
- Here at WeHAP, we’ve always got a plan (that’s our motto, by the way: “We Have A Plan”). And our plan is to help you make the most of your pulp processing.
- So, what do you say? Join us on this fascinating journey through the science of recycled pulp processing by becoming a subscriber. Remember, at WeHAP, we’re always looking forward, and “We Have A Plan.”